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From finance to artificial intelligence, data science to web development, there isn’t an area in which Python isn’t consolidated and flourishing. So let’s discuss actual salaries, in-demand skills, marketplaces, and what to do in order to remain competitive.

从金融到人工智能,从数据科学到网络开发,没有一个领域没有Python能够得到巩固和发展。 因此,让我们讨论实际薪资,需求技能,市场以及如何保持竞争力。

Find remote jobs in tech, including Python, on .


当今的就业市场 (The Job Market Today)

Information technology has created an extremely varied and dynamic market, and saying “computer science” alone is something of an umbrella term now. Pretty much everything has elements of IT in it to some degree — from the algorithms that recommend which TV series you should watch, to the code on this page, and even the software integrating your home appliances with your mobile.

信息技术创造了一个极其多样化和动态的市场,现在仅说“计算机科学”就是一个笼统的术语。 几乎所有内容都在一定程度上包含了IT元素-从推荐应观看电视剧的算法到此页上的代码,甚至是将家用电器与移动设备集成在一起的软件。

From this wide array of areas — all of them careers in their own right — we’ll pick a handful. All of them are within multi-million/billion-dollar industries that are particularly hot as of 2020, and will most probably remain active in the foreseeable future.

在众多领域中-所有这些都是他们自己的职业-我们将选拔一些。 所有这些行业都属于数百万/十亿美元的行业 ,这些行业到2020年尤其热门,并且在可预见的未来很可能会保持活跃。

We are talking about:


  • AI

  • cloud development

  • cryptocurrencies and finance

  • data science

  • web development and mobile apps


Nearly any position in an exciting, forward-moving and profitable industry will require Python mastery. Stack Overflow Trends very eloquently shows .

在一个令人振奋,不断向前发展和盈利的行业中,几乎任何职位都需要Python精通 。 Stack Overflow趋势非常雄辩地展示 。

But programming alone won’t cut it. You’ll also need solid knowledge specific to the industry before you’ll be considered for the position.

但是,仅靠编程并不能解决问题。 在考虑担任该职位之前,您还需要特定于该行业的扎实知识。

Let’s examine how Python has stacked up against other languages in each field during the last five years on , and also discuss what additional knowledge will be expected from you.

让我们研究一下过去五年来在各个领域中Python如何与其他语言 ,并讨论了您会期望从中获得更多的知识。

统计分析和深度学习 (Statistics Analysis and Deep Learning)



It’s probably not necessary to explain why Artificial intelligence (AI) is hot right now. In fact, it seems like a formula for financial success over the past decade was:

也许没有必要解释为什么人工智能 (AI)现在很热门。 实际上,过去十年来,财务成功的公式似乎是:

  1. fund an AI startup

  2. successfully develop a


  3. be funded or acquired

  4. collect profit.


is still on, but these days the name of the game is . If you’d like to dig even deeper, look at .

仍在继续,但是如今,游戏的名称是 。 如果您想更深入地研究,请看一下 。

Extra: see for some resources on the topic.

额外 :有关该主题的一些资源,请参见 。

数学 (Math)

But let’s not leave it at AI. Enter math.

但是,我们不要将其留给AI。 输入数学。

Have you heard about the ? Abraham Maslow famously said: “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”

您听说过的吗? 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow) 曾有句著名的话: “如果您仅有的工具是锤子,我想把所有东西都当作钉子来对待是很诱人的。”

In our current situation, what that means is that if all we know is AI, whatever problem is presented to us we’re going to try to find datasets and train algorithms for it, when surprisingly often what we needed was just a simple probabilistic model to be able to make a quick prediction. In other words — math.

在当前情况下,这意味着如果我们只知道AI,那么无论遇到什么问题,我们都将尝试寻找数据集并为其训练算法,而令人惊讶的是,通常我们所需要的只是一个简单的概率模型能够快速做出预测 。 换句话说-数学。

If you’d like to go a step further and complement your AI knowledge, look into:


  • descriptive statistics

  • probability theory

  • inference

  • linear algebra (wouldn’t hurt either)


薪水 (Salaries)

The share of jobs requiring AI skills has grown 4.5x in the last five years, with one in four North American companies having ML embedded in at least one enterprise function as of 2018. Additionally, Apple, Facebook, and Google are investing in (DRL), and AI-enabled tools are expected to generate nearly $3 trillion in business value by 2021, with the Natural Language Processing (NLP) market alone predicted to reach $22 billion by 2025.

在过去五年中,需要AI技能的工作份额增长了4.5倍,截至2018年,北美有四分之一的公司将ML嵌入至少一种企业功能中。此外,苹果,Facebook和Google都在投资进行到2021年, (DRL)和支持AI的工具预计将产生近3万亿美元的商业价值,仅自然语言处理(NLP)市场预计到2025年将达到220亿美元。

With all this, it’s no surprise that top AI specialists are making $300-500k salaries.


微服务和无服务器计算 (Microservices and Serverless Computing)



This is another way of saying integrating services with the cloud — and yet it’s another field you can be most certain will keep on growing.


In the “serverless” execution model, companies are able to reduce maintenance, save costs, and effectively exchange information across all platforms.


什么地方 (What and Where)

There are a number of cloud infrastructure providers, but to remain competitive you can focus on handling things with these three:


  • (AWS)


  • (GCP)


Particularly, you want to be able to implement and deploy APIs with and the — or their equivalents in Google’s and Microsoft’s .


Extra: see to further understand how these cloud providers structure their services.

附加 :查看以进一步了解这些云提供商如何构建其服务。

薪水 (Salaries)

DevOps-related roles have doubled since 2015, and there are more than 50K+ cloud computing jobs in the US alone


For a cloud specialist in the US the median salary is $146K.

对于美国的云专家来说, 年薪中位数为14.6万美元

区块链与定量分析 (Blockchain and Quantitative Analysis)



Originally I didn’t plan to include blockchain in this listing because in the (limited and surely biased) way in which I see things, it wasn’t all that clear to me that cryptocurrencies would still be a thing just a few years down the road.


But hey, it’s a fairly active field right now with job offers all over the place!




And if you collect enough knowledge to understand the financial aspects of cryptocurrencies, combined with Python mastery, that could open many doors at the IT departments of some investment banks and startups.


Blockchain is not only the foundation for cryptocurrencies, but also can be used to build with a number of applications.

区块链不仅是加密货币的基础,而且还可用于构建具有许多应用程序的 。

薪水 (Salaries)

As we mentioned, blockchain demand is booming and the market is expected to grow at over 60% per year.


Blockchain engineers are between $150k and $175k.

Blockchain工程师们 $ 150K和$ 175K之间

大数据与数据分析 (Big Data and Data Analytics)



Data science has an ever-increasing number of fields of study:


  • (and )

    (和 )

  • (and )

    (和 )

It also has an endless number of complementary practices and tools, such as , , , , , , , , , , , , … to name “a few”.

它还有无数的补充实践和工具,例如 , , , , , , , , , , , ……等等。

还有更多 (And There’s More)

Hopefully it is becoming fairly evident that Python is merely a tool, and how much there is to learn about all of the different ways in which you can use it. But if you really want to nail it as a data scientist, you’ll also need to learn about the field in which you’re going to apply it — be it biology, finance, social phenomena or something else.

希望越来越明显的是Python只是一个工具,还有多少知识可用来学习使用它的所有不同方式。 但是,如果您真的想成为数据科学家, 那么您还需要了解将要应用它的领域 -生物学,金融,社会现象或其他。

薪水 (Salaries)

The investment in data-driven processes has doubled in five years, to $1 trillion in 2018, and more than half of the companies plan to increase positions requiring data analysis skills.


A data engineer in the US can make an average base pay of $115k.


后端开发 (Back-end Development)



This is arguably the least hot topic in this list. But the truth is that even with the rise of the aforementioned microservices, web development isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Both web and mobile apps still require heavy back-end programming to process the input from the web browser or the mobile’s UI.

可以说,这是该列表中最不热门的话题。 但是事实是,即使上述微服务的兴起,Web开发也不会在任何时候Swift进行。 Web和移动应用程序仍然需要大量的后端程序来处理来自Web浏览器或移动用户界面的输入。

Back in the day, being familiar with Linux was “a plus”. Today, as a back-end developer, that’s considered a given: the “plus” is that you ought to be able to orchestrate cloud infrastructure and have at least some degree of familiarity with DevOps practices, such as deployment pipelines and dealing with .

过去,熟悉Linux是“加号”。 如今,作为后端开发人员,这已经被认为是有条件的:“加号”是您应该能够组织云基础架构,并且至少在某种程度上熟悉DevOps的实践 ,例如部署管道和处理 。

Extra: see for a primer on the topic.

附加 :有关该主题的入门,请参见 。

一直以来的数据库 (Databases All the Way(s))

To properly manage back-end development, you’ll also need to swim comfortably among different s such as PostgreSQL and MySQL. And you should also know that data management has also been going NoSQL for some time, and that and proved the test of time as solid implementations.

为了正确地管理后端开发,您还需要在PostgreSQL和MySQL等不同的之间轻松地游动。 而且您还应该知道, 数据管理也已经采用NoSQL一段时间了, 和证明了对时间的考验是可靠的实现。

薪水 (Salaries)

The US projects over 15% job growth for web developers over the next five years.


The salary figures for a back-end developer in the US can vary wildly, with a median of $72k, from $34k up to $98k.

美国的后端开发人员的薪水数字可能相差很大, 中位数为$ 72k , 从$ 34k到$ 98k。

市场 (Marketplaces)

Hopefully the case for Python being a key part of the technology stack is already made, so let’s say you would like to be part of something big and apply for a full-time position. Or maybe you’d like to take it easy, do some part-time Python programming while enjoying life and/or supplementing your income.

希望Python已经成为技术堆栈中关键部分的案例,因此,假设您希望成为大人物的一部分并申请全职职位。 或者,也许您想轻松一点,在享受生活和/或增加收入的同时做一些兼职的Python编程。

Keep on reading then. If you can work with Python, you have choices.

然后继续阅读。 如果可以使用Python,则可以选择。

搜索Python全职工作 (Searching for a Python Full-time Job)

is not only a networking platform but also one of the biggest recruiting sites. Sure, having a well-connected profile will help as it will save you some cover letters. But even if you’re a newbie to LinkedIn, you can still and filter by country and state.

不仅是一个社交平台,还是最大的招聘网站之一。 当然,建立良好的个人档案会有所帮助,因为它可以为您节省一些自荐信。 但是,即使您是LinkedIn的新手,也仍然可以并按国家和州进行过滤

It’s very unlikely that you’re a developer and don’t spend time on as part of your routine. Aside from Q&As, Stack Overflow also has well curated job listings, where you can filter “visa sponsor” companies who are eager to bring over foreign talent. .

您不太可能是开发人员,也不例程中的时间花在 。 除了问答外,Stack Overflow还提供精心策划的工作清单,您可以在其中筛选渴望引进外国人才的“签证赞助商”公司 。 。

Now, getting more specific, you must definitely have a look at and the at the official Python site. They’re not nearly as comprehensive as the platforms, but as spot on as you can get.

现在,要更具体一点,您一定一定要在Python官方网站上查看 。 它们不像平台那样全面,但是尽您所能

And if you want a remote job specifically, offers many listings for Python engineers.

而且,如果您想专门工作, 可为Python工程师提供许多清单。

Finally, is a startup community created to connect developers, entrepreneurs and investors. It can be a place worth checking if you’re looking to work for an exciting and newly created startup.

最后, 是一个旨在将开发人员,企业家和投资者联系起来的创业社区。 如果您正在寻找一个令人兴奋的新创建的创业公司,那么它可能是一个值得检查的地方。

用Python自由职业 (Freelancing with Python)

Freelancing is a beast of its own, and a topic that would require a series of articles. For now, we’ll just point out which platforms might be of interest.

自由职业本身就是一个野兽,并且是一个主题,需要一系列文章。 目前,我们仅指出可能感兴趣的平台。

After the merge of Elance and oDesk in 2013, became the main marketplace for freelancing, where millions of jobs are posted annually. That means tons of potential hires in fields ranging from to (and of course, don’t forget to ). Another good idea might be to check other to see what are they offering and how much they charge.

在2013年Elance和oDesk合并之后, 成为自由职业者的主要市场,每年在那里发布数百万个工作。 这意味着从到众多领域的潜在员工(当然,不要忘记 )。 另一个好主意可能是检查其他以了解他们提供了什么以及收费多少。

The downside of Upwork is not only that it can be quite tedious to find the needle in the haystack, but competing with 12 million other freelancers can be tough. Plus, Upwork fees are the highest you’ll have to pay!

Upwork的弊端不仅在于在大海捞针上找寻麻烦,而且与1200万其他自由职业者竞争也很艰巨。 另外,上班费是您必须支付的最高费用!

is another marketplace, smaller in size though still quite big and active, where and there is an attractive (very different from Upwork’s 20% cut). Make sure you check the .

是另一个市场,规模较小,但仍然很大且活跃, 并且有一个有吸引力的 (与Upwork的20%降幅非常不同)。 确保检查 。

Guru () and PeoplePerHour (, ) are other sites you can check out.

Guru ( )和PeoplePerHour ( , )是您可以签出的其他站点。

托塔尔 (Toptal)

If you already have a consolidated profile as a Python developer, you might consider applying for , which is a platform that claims to curate the top 3% of freelance talent.

如果您已经拥有Python开发人员的综合资料,则可以考虑申请 ,该平台声称可以 自由职业者中前3%的人才

Essentially, Toptal will screen your profile, and if it matches their criteria you’ll be shortlisted for clients who don’t mind paying extra to those who’ve already proved they can go the extra mile. Both full- and part-time options are available, even including hourly assignments.

本质上,Toptal会筛选您的个人资料,如果符合他们的条件, 您将入围那些不介意向已经证明自己可以付出更多努力的客户支付额外费用的客户 。 兼职和兼职选项均可用,甚至包括按小时分配。

结语 (Wrap Up)

Honestly, the programming language itself is sometimes a secondary matter when it comes to solving a problem, when what’s really required is having an understanding of the situation at hand and an open mind. Your potential employer won’t care much about how well you have mastered the ins and outs of Python if you don’t know much about the field you want to work in. And the ways things are these days, these specifics change and expand quite often.

老实说,在解决问题时,编程语言本身有时是次要的事情,而真正需要的是对当前情况有一个开明的理解。 如果您对自己想从事的领域不了解,那么您的潜在雇主就不会在乎您对Python的掌握和掌握程度。而且如今情况如何,这些细节会不断变化和扩展经常。

What that means is that you need to be constantly learning, because whatever edge you have right now, you won’t have it in just a few years.

这意味着您需要不断学习 ,因为无论您现在拥有什么优势,短短几年您都不会拥有它。

Personally, I don’t like unsolicited advice much, as it’s sort of pedantic. But if I may, and just for the sake of wrapping up this article: be proactive, be curious, go the extra mile, adapt and don’t be satisfied with what you already know. In the end, it won’t matter much what your programming language is, as you’ll always be in demand.

就个人而言,我不喜欢主动提出的建议,因为这有点像花哨的东西。 但是,如果我愿意,并且仅仅是为了总结一下这篇文章: 积极主动,好奇心强,多加努力,适应并不要对已经知道的东西感到满意 。 最后,您的编程语言是什么都没有关系,因为您总是有需求。

Want to level up your Python skills and stand out in a rapidly growing market? Check out ! You’ll find books to get you started (like ) and develop job-ready skills (like ). Enhance your skills with , and access a growing library of over 400 books and courses on web design and development.

想要提高您的Python技能并在Swift发展的市场中脱颖而出吗? 查看 ! 您会找到入门书籍(例如 )和发展工作准备技能(例如 )。 使用增强您的技能,并访问一个不断发展的图书馆,其中包括关于Web设计和开发的400多种书籍和课程。




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